Information Technology: that unknown thing!
This is the article I published on “Genova Impresa”, the Confindustria Genova bi-monthly newspaper. From my eight great-grandparents, four grandparents and (May God help and keep them!) two parents, I came to this World halfway through 1980. In my genetic baggage (ramshackle, like everyone’s, for the great weight accumulated by the accumulated debits of scatter-brained…
Dopo un lungo periodo di “silenzio” su questo blog (perche’ spendo il mio tempo “a fare” e non “a dire”), riporto di seguito il testo in lingua italiana dell’articolo pubblicato sull’edizione 1-2009 di “Genova Impresa”, bimestrale edito da Confindustria Genova. A breve sara’ disponibile anche la traduzione inglese. Dai miei otto bisnonni, quattro nonni e…
Today I attended a meeting, which I had been invited to by AITech-Assinform (Italian Association for Information Technology) in Milan. This event intended, as usual, to give a detailed preview of the “Report on IT, TLC and multimedia 2006” to the associated members. During the general manager of AITech-Assinform speech, Federico Barilli showed one more…
The more times I meet so called “IT professionals”, the more times I regretfully find out the inability of “business-decision-makers” to estimate IT competencies. The complexity inside new technologies can make crazy anyone who has not chosen to be a technician, but it is my opinion that anyone can get a trustworthy evaluation about the…
Some days ago I reviewed the study plans of one of the ITIS (Italian Institutes of Industrial Technology) that I had been interested in when I still was not a certified IT professional. What shocked me (and what is frightening almost everyone who is interested in becoming an IT professional in Italy) was the unbelievable…
Did you ever notice there is a universally accepted discrimination about professional roles in IT staffs? All of us have surely heard the expressions “first level support” and “second level support”, what it does stands for you? When I was first employed in an IT staff at a big company I noticed that there was…
In my previous post “A case of Innovation” I wrote a little bit about what I do and how I do it. Some readers, who do not know me, might have been a little confused about me showing a successful IT project as a rare innovative case history, so I would like to explain one…
Every day I hear somebody speaking or writing about “Innovation”: it seems to be the password to gain access to the forum of the high-tech debates. How many times have I heard it while attending meetings, conferences or seminars in the halls of Confindustria Genova, and every time it was pronounced, it was misspelled or misunderstood…
I’m writing this first post only to say this blog is now going on its early startup phases. Please refer to the section “About” if you want to read a short introduction to the contents will be posted here. The frequency of the updates will be obviously dependent by the time my work leaves to…
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